The month of February flew by, it’s hard to believe we are already in March! Students have been HOOTing like crazy and HOOT Bucks are flying out of teachers’ hands faster than the temperature changes in Maryland. Well, maybe not that fast…
Each marking period, the HOOT/PBIS team at Folger likes to focus on a specific part of our HOOTing matrix with students. The 3rd marking period focus is on the second “O” in HOOT, which stands for “Own It.” But how do we expect our students to demonstrate this behavior and characteristic throughout the school day? We direct students to consider various locations and related activities to make it easy to understand what it means to "Own It".
In the CLASSROOM, students are asked to be present/mindful and to put forth their best effort. Students sometimes forget that being present means they attempt to leave the distractions of the past/future so they can engage in what they are being taught. Students can also “Own It” by demonstrating calming skills like deep breathing, stretching, and asking for breaks if they are struggling with being in the present.
In the CAFETERIA, students are asked to clean up their eating areas and use indoor voices. When doing so, students are showing responsibility for their actions and following the procedures that Mrs. Kelliher and other cafeteria monitors establish.
On the PLAYGROUND, students are expected to play safely and kindly and to use the equipment appropriately. This includes sharing with other students, being inclusive during games, keeping equipment in good shape, and returning it to recess carts when recess is over.
In the HALLWAY and during TRANSITIONS, students “Own It” by keeping their hands and feet to themselves. This makes traveling through our hallways as safe and as quick as possible.
When students are using the BATHROOM, they are asked to wash their hands and use the time they are away from class wisely and quickly. This year has seen many absences due to flus, colds, stomach bugs, and other health ailments. We want to minimize absences and time out of class as much as possible!
Finally, for our Folger BUS riders, students should ride while using a calm voice and should ride safely, which means being seated and facing forward. Folger bus safeties are asked to set this example for all students on their bus rides.
As learning, growing children, mistakes will happen. It's part of the process. "Owning it" means that students work to accept that as part of the learning process, and to use the experience as a teachable moment to develop and do better next time. Sometimes, particularly if a mistake is the result of a poor choice when a student breaks a rule, is disrespectful or unkind, "owning it" means taking responsibility for the situation by working to correct it and apologizing. Through this process, we encourage students to talk about their actions and choices, helping them to understand the impact on themselves and others. We strive to view mistakes as opportunities to grow and improve, not as reasons to avoid responsibility or blame others.
"Owning It" means being accountable for one's actions and responsibilities. It's about giving your best effort. When we talk about "Owning It", we are teaching our students to take full responsibility for their actions, choices, and consequences, acknowledging that the outcomes - good or bad - are impacted by their actions. It means not to make excuses and to accept the results of the results. We are empowering students and encouraging them, believing in their potential and helping them to realize it. It's why Folger is such a great school community!
Please review these schoolwide expectations with your students and let our staff know if they need any reviews or support to meet these expectations. We will be honoring “Own It” Hall of Famers during the beginning of April.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Folger HOOT team (PBIS) if you have any questions about HOOTing and the expectations for Folger students.