Dear Pasadena Elementary Families:
As we wrap up the first semester, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continued partnership in your child’s education. It has been a wonderful few months of learning, growth, and achievement, and we are excited for all that the second half of the school year has in store.
Report Cards & Progress Reports
The end of the first semester means that report cards and if applicable, intervention, mClass, and IEP progress reports were finalized and shared. These documents provide valuable insight into your child's academic progress, strengths, and areas for growth. Please check your parent portal for access to your child's report card. If you have any questions, we encourage you to reach out to your child’s teacher or myself for further discussion.
Upcoming Events – Mark your calendar!
We have several exciting events coming up:
Unity Day (two-hour early dismissal, too) – February 4
Students and staff will participate in a required AACPS lesson on BELONGING that includes everyone comes together to stand up against bullying and hurtful words.100th Day of School – February 11
A great opportunity to celebrate 100 days of learning! Students are invited to join staff and dress to show they are WILD ABOUT LEARNING. Please adhere to AACPS dress code (no weapons, no full face coverings). Students must be able to navigate the school day independently and safely; sit in the classroom chairs or cafeteria bench; walk up stairs if applicable.Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA)* – Grade 5 only – March 3-7
All grade 5 and 8 students in the county will participate in state required assessments. Please avoid scheduling appointments and vacations during this week if possible. *Grade 5 students in the specialty site Autism program will also participate in ALT MISA.International Night – March 13, 5:00-7:00pm
Join us for a fun and educational evening as we celebrate student learning and the diversity in our school community. This is an open event, and all family members are invited. If you would like to share your family’s traditions or meal items, please call the office for more information.PTA Scholastic Book Fair -March 17-20
We will kick off March with Literacy Spirit Week, focusing on Black Eyed Susan Award Nominees (flyer below). For the Scholastic Book Fair, students will be invited to preview and purchase books during Media class. To volunteer, let PTA know!VIP Day – April 11
We will host our annual Very Important Person Day in which students can have up to two important adults participate in school activities. This event is intended to invite Grand-Friends or other important figures in your child’s life. Because of class size, parking, activities, and accessibility, there is a firm limit on two adults only. Siblings (infants to school age) are not permitted. VIPs must be pre-approved by school administration and sign in with our Raptor system. A sign up and schedule will be forthcoming.
School Initiatives for the Second Semester
Literacy: We will continue to focus on expanding vocabulary, background knowledge, and talking and writing about what we are learning. We have awesome units of study coming up in CKLA!
Math: We will continue to focus on critical and logical thinking so that students can model, reason, and problem solve with mathematics.
Green School: We are collecting artifacts and evidence to apply for Green School certification. This initiative began more than 15 years ago, and we wish to remain committed to our community to reduce, re-reuse, and recycle. Our application to renew Sustainability will be submitted in early March.
Wellness School of Distinction: We continue to collect artifacts for our fourth application. This prestigious honor includes our school efforts focused on health education; physical activity; health services; nutrition environment and services; counseling, psychological, and social services; social and emotional climate; physical environment; employee wellness; family engagement; and community involvement.
Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies (PBIS): We will continue our efforts to support students and staff with wellness and social activities and recognize our students for behavior. This tiered framework support students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. If you have suggestions for the school’s PBIS team, please email
Yearbook and Sentiment information is below.
The school is closed to visitors during the school day. Please schedule an appointment in advance of coming to the school.
Thank you for your support and involvement in our school community. Please reach out to me if you need assistance. We look forward to an amazing second semester.
Jennifer Quirino, Principal