Dear Pasadena Elementary Families:
Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful winter vacation with family and friends. As we embark on a new year filled with possibilities, I extend my warmest wishes to each of our families. May 2025 be a chapter of success, resilience, and joy for our students, parents, and staff.
Do you follow the school's Instagram page (pes_aacps)? We were so excited to celebrate outstanding and improved student and class attendance. Thank you for your support of the #AACPSAttendToAchieve initiative in December.
Our Winter Concert was a packed house! Thank you to our students participating in the extracurricular music classes; the parents and guardians who supported the preparation process and joined us for the event; and to our amazing teachers who worked behind the scenes to ensure everything ran smoothly. Your collective energy made the evening unforgettable.
The end of the marking will be fast upon us. It is important to ensure that your student is independently completing assignments in all class areas, including Cultural Arts. Please help your student to stay ahead so that assignments are not turned in at the last possible moment. All students are expected to complete assignments independently and in a timely manner following a lesson rather than accumulating incomplete assignments and submitting them at the end of the marking period. Assignments are intended to be a follow-up and an indicator of independent student application of the skill taught. It also provides us with student strengths and needs for reteaching and extending student learning.
As we turn the page on a new calendar year, it is always a good time to set intentions for the coming year. Routines are often forgotten after a long break. Teachers will review school and classroom expectations as well as revisiting important Second Step (social emotional) lessons. This is a great time for you to reinforce the importance of classroom participation and encourage your student to stay engaged in instruction.
As a reminder, school doors will close at 7:55am so that our staff can be in classes for instruction to begin at 8:00am. Parking in designated fire lanes and/or bus loops is prohibited. Maryland Motor Vehicle Law § 21-101.1(b)2,3 states: A person may not drive a motor vehicle in violation of any provision of this title on any property that is owned by or under the control of this State or any of its political subdivisions, county boards of education, or community colleges and that is open to vehicular traffic and used by the public in general. Any person who violates any provision of this subsection is in violation of the law to the same extent and is subject to the same penalty as if the motor vehicle were driven on a highway. We appreciate your assistance in keeping the fire lane clear.
Temperatures continue to fluctuate both indoors and outdoors. Please help your student dress for the weather, recognizing temps will hover closer to 70 degrees indoors. Sunlight can add warmth to classrooms, so dressing in layers is best. Students will go outdoors for recess when the temperature (& wind chill) is at least 32 degrees. Coats, hats, and gloves are needed daily. If your student is missing coats or hoodies, we have a collection in lost and found.
At this time, the school is closed to visitors during the school day. Please schedule an appointment in advance of coming to the school.
AACPS will be closed for winter break from December 23 - January 1. School will re-open from the break on Thursday, January 2, 2025. Happy New Year!
Jennifer Quirino, Principal