Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
Pasadena Elementary serves students in pre-k through fifth grade and is a designated as a
specialty site for autism. Through the years, our school has been recognized with awards: National Blue Ribbon, Maryland Blue Ribbon, E-Gate School, Wellness School of Distinction, and Green School - Sustainability. These accolades align with the AACPS Strategic Plan's priorities.
The Pasadena Elementary Staff is committed to ensuring this school year is a successful learning and growing experience for all students. We will strive to provide an excellent instructional program to all students with learning activities that are challenging, exciting, engaging, and often incorporating technology. Setting high expectations for ourselves and our students, we invite you to join us as we work toward reaching these goals. As partners in education, your active involvement with your child's education is critical. We believe that a cooperative effort will yield the greatest degree of success.
We look forward to your child having an amazing school year as we work together sharing ideas and new experiences. Your interest and involvement are the factors which make Pasadena Elementary a place where learning begins, and new talents are discovered. Please take a moment to review the important information in the following pages. Additional AACPS information is available online in the AACPS Parent Handbook and AACPS Student Handbook.
Maryland law states regular attendance is required. We look forward to our students attending daily. If your student is absent for any, please send a note to the school or submit an online absence form. Absences for medical reasons and death in the family are excused; vacations are unexcused according to guidelines.
School doors open 7:40am and will close at 7:55am. Students should be in class, ready to start the day promptly at 8:00am so that our staff can be ready to start instruction on-time. Any students arriving after the doors close will need to be escorted to the main office. Students must be supervised before 7:40am and car riders must remain in vehicles. The playground is closed before school opens. Dismissal begins at 2:25pm. To help expedite dismissal, parents/guardians of car riders and walkers will be provided with a plastic nametag. To request a car rider or walker tag, please click here. Please have this tag on display in the car, or hold up while waiting near the playground. Should your student need additional assistance with a car seat buckle or seat belt, please park in the main parking lot and meet your student at the playground dismissal location.
Please adhere to the traffic pattern provided by Anne Arundel County Police Department: When coming to the school for morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up, the arrival queue will enter from Maple Avenue, E. Chestnut Street, E. Hamburg Street or Catalfa Avenue. When leaving the school from morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up, please exit on Spruce Avenue only. Our school traffic will only use Spruce Avenue as an exit to E. Pasadena Road.
If at any time you have a question or concern, please contact your child’s teacher. If you feel intervention by the administration or school counselor is necessary, please call. The staff at Pasadena welcome the opportunity to address your questions or concerns. Open communication is essential if we are to maximize the learning experiences of the children.
At this time, the school is closed to visitors during the school day. Please schedule an appointment in advance of coming to the school.
I look forward to this school year with you and your student.
Jennifer Quirino, Principal